Please note - If you are collecting outside shop opening hours please add our purpose made transport boxes to your basket as hens will be boxed up and placed in the Click & Collect building (3 medium hens can be fitted in one box @ £2.95 each).
Pure Breeds - We only tend to sell pure breeds in pairs (or with other pure breeds of a similar age) unless there are exceptional circumstances. Pure breeds are slower growing and at this age wouldn't be suitable to mix with hybrids or older birds but would need to be kept separate and very slowly introduced when older. They will require a grower feed until around 20/25+ weeks old.
Stunning large birds. Buff Orpingtons are usually placid, friendly hens who get on with most other gentle breeds.
The are reasonable layers of a pale brown egg but some can be prone to broodiness.
Buff Orpington
I confirm by buying live chickens I will:
- Provide a secure, fox proof house with good ventilation and perches for them to sleep on. They will be locked in overnight if their run is not predator proof.
- Provide at least 1 square metre of run space for bantams and 2 square metres for medium and large birds.
- Provide a constant supply of clean water.
- Provide a constant supply of layers mash or layers pellets.
- Supply a constant supply of mixed grit & oyster shell.
- Will put temporary bowls of food & water in different areas for the first few weeks whilst the pecking order is established.
- I have purchased a minimum of 2 x birds.
I have added enough poultry transport boxes to checkout to enable safe, contact free collection - Up to 3 medium sized birds can be fitted in one of our transport boxes (£2.95 each).