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Guinea Fowl Keets

Guinea Fowl are unusual,  fascinating birds but not for the urban setting as they are very noisy and need plenty of space.


They make great alarms and will let you know if anything is around, but can be equally noisy if split from their flockmates and can be quite dramatic.


They will need to be kept in a large, top netted run or aviary as they can fly well, if left out to free range they will roost high in the trees and may get caught by the fox.   They can be kept with other poultry.


They have a reputation for being wild and flighty but if well handled from young can be a similar nature to chickens.  They never like being handled,  If you need to catch them do it when it's dark and they are roosting.


They are great foragers and if out free ranging will find much of their own food but if kept in a run they will need layers pellets.


Young Guinea's are impossible to sex so all keets are sold as unsexed.


Guinea Fowl Keets

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